300-Hour Mindfulness MeditationJudgment-free mental practice that teaches you to slow down racing thoughts, let go of negativity, and calm both [...]

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300 Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

An all-new chapter.

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Mindfulness Meditation

Judgment-free mental practice that teaches you to slow down racing thoughts, let go of negativity, and calm both your mind and body.

Vinyasa Flow Masterclass

Set up your space, and prepare to slow flow.

  • Fast flow
  • 65min
  • All are welcome
  • feat. Garuda mudra

Lori & Jeremy

Aspen, Colorado, USA

Join Lori and Jeremy as they collaborate together in this mindful and fluid practice celebrating the Garuda Mudra which connects to our freedom or moksha and celebrates takes responsibility for our actions.  This class represents us taking flight and moving with grace as we float and soar above the earth. 

Throughout the masterclass, Lori and Jeremy are weaving the power of the Garuda Mudra to allow you to explore situations with new found freedom in your body and mind. The word garuda means “eagle” in Sanskrit and mudra means, “gesture of.” By activating blood flow, the garuda mudra invigorates and balances the vata energy on both sides of the body.

Download Masterclass Analysis Form


Prepare to take notes as you watch each Talk.

Download The Student eBook (PDF, US) - Session Seven

Expand Series of Poses Variations

Download The 200 Hour Expand Series of Poses Flashcard


Join Alysia and journey through the practical practice of poses.

Grab a friend, and let’s practice the physical assist of each pose.

Lengthening Series of Poses Variations

Download The 200 Hour Lengthening Series of Poses Flashcard


Join Alysia and journey through the practical practice of poses.

Grab a friend, and let’s practice the physical assist of each pose.

Yin Yoga

Enter another dimension with
this authentic Yin Yoga workshop.

Yin Yoga Workshop

Compliments of the mentors!



“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”  / Aristotle

A. Read How to Train a Wild Elephant, pages 108-121, make efforts to abide by the exercises contained within, and upload into the system a report as to your awareness, dedication to, and results of, the exercises.

B.  Fill out both masterclass analysis forms and upload them into the system.

C. After watching the Sanskrit II lecture, upload the Sanskrit letters making up the word, “Namaste” in your own handwriting.

D.  Create 4 introductions and closing statements for 4 separate classes both written and on video.  For each opening and closing statement ensure that the theme connects.  You themes could be a Yama, a Niyama, a Mudra, a chakra, or any lesson you would like to teach etc.

E. Create a flow of the expand and lengthening series together using variations of the poses, music, Sanskrit and teach 50% on the mat and 50% off. Upload your video into the system. 

F.  Create and teach a Yin Class from what you learned in the Yin Workshop and Upload it into the system

Upload Your Homework

Click the blue WeTransfer button to begin your upload process

First, let’s make sure you are recording with the right settings for a great result and faster upload.

On your smartphone go to Settings → Camera and make sure:
  1. Formats is set to High Efficiency
  2. Record Video is set to 720p HD at 30fps (on an iPhone) or the smallest format/file size your smartphone can capture
  3. Turn off HDR Video on an iPhone

This will speed up the upload process after you’re done. Always use the rear camera and make sure the camera is facing you directly. We would like to see you teaching to the “Invisible Student” behind the camera, so speak to the camera in your natural voice as if it’s your student. Go for as many takes as you feel you need, as but don’t over do it! Be sure the frame is wide and open enough so we can see all of you.

What happens after I upload my homework?

After you have finished uploading your homework, our mentors will review it and will be able to provide you with detailed feedback. It can take up to 24hrs, depending where you are in the world.

Who will see my homework?

Our school follows UK Data Protection Act, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, and our strict Code of Conduct. Only certified Drishti Beats Mentors have access to uploaded materials. Our goal is to promote confidence and respect for our trainees throughout this training and in the yoga community we serve.



Mindfulness Meditation

Judgment-free mental practice that teaches you to slow down racing thoughts, let go of negativity, and calm both your mind and body.

Tripsichore Masterclass

Set up your space, and prepare to Delight in Dance.

  • Terpsichore flow
  • 62min
  • All are welcome
  • Delight focused


Terpsichore was one of the nine Mousai (Muses), the goddesses of music, song and dance. In the classical era, when the Mousai were assigned specific literary and artistic spheres, Terpsikhore was named Muse of choral song and dancing, and depicted with a lyre and plectrum.

Her name means “Delighting in Dance” from the Greek words terpsis “to delight” and khoros “dance”.

Terpsikhorê (trip-sic-uh-ree) Vinyasa is the evenly metered flow of movement, breath and thought, which results in an uninflected state of being. Tripsichore sequences seek the integrity of the postures, by assuming that the mind’s intention can be integrated with the body’s movement through breathing techniques. The refinement of these techniques – something that seems deceptively simple – provides the means through which the body achieves remarkable shapes of considerable beauty.

Download Masterclass Analysis Form


Prepare to take notes as you watch each Talk.

Download The Student eBook (PDF, US) - Session Six

Fire Series of Poses Variations

Download The 200 Hour Fire Series of Poses Flashcard


Join Alysia and journey through the practical practice of poses.

Grab a friend, and let’s practice the physical assist of each pose.

Deep Center Series of Poses Variations

Download The 200 Hour Deep Center Series of Poses Flashcard


Join Alysia and journey through the practical practice of poses.

Grab a friend, and let’s practice the physical assist of each pose.

Yin Masterclass

Set up your space, and prepare to unwind.

  • Yin
  • 56min
  • All are invited
  • Awareness focused


Ashburn Broadlands, Virginia, USA

Join Alysia in this Yin yoga masterclass, incorporating principles of traditional Chinese medicine, with asanas that are held for longer periods of time than in other styles.

Props Suggested: A blanket, blocks, pillow.

Download Masterclass Analysis Form


“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”  / Aristotle

1. From the book Your Second Life Begins When You Realize You Only Have One read up to page 111 through Chapter 17.  For one day, no matter what, smile about everything and smile during all of your conversations.  See what it feels like to exude joy all day long keeping a smile on your face.  Write a document describing what it felt like to smile all day and how it affected those around you. Upload your document into the system.

2. Finish the book Your Second Life Begins When You Realize You Only Have One if you haven’t already. Make amends with someone you need to make amends with.  If you don’t have anyone that you need to make amends with, get to know someone who before you may have not connected with.  Write a document explaining the experience and upload it into the system.

3. Read How to Train a Wild Elephant, pages 95-107, make efforts to abide by the exercises contained within, and upload into the system a report as to your awareness, dedication to, and results of, the exercises.

4. Create a Tripsichore class of your own a minimum of 15 minutes but it can be longer.  Write a document expressing how you felt about this type of class and how it felt to take it vs how it felt to teach it.  Upload your thoughts and your video into the system.

5. Create a flow of both the Fire and Deep Center Series of Poses together using some variations of the Fire Series from the flashcards.  Choose a Yama or Niyama to thread through the class providing a yogic teaching that will be inspiring for your students bringing attention to the Yama or Niyama throughout. Use music, use Sanskrit, stay consistent with calling breath, name of pose and direction. Teach 30% on the mat and 70% off the mat. Upload your flow into the system.

6. Be sure that you uploaded your documents from the Business of Yoga Part 2 lecture.

Upload Your Homework

Click the blue WeTransfer button to begin your upload process

First, let’s make sure you are recording with the right settings for a great result and faster upload.

On your smartphone go to Settings → Camera and make sure:
  1. Formats is set to High Efficiency
  2. Record Video is set to 720p HD at 30fps (on an iPhone) or the smallest format/file size your smartphone can capture
  3. Turn off HDR Video on an iPhone

This will speed up the upload process after you’re done. Always use the rear camera and make sure the camera is facing you directly. We would like to see you teaching to the “Invisible Student” behind the camera, so speak to the camera in your natural voice as if it’s your student. Go for as many takes as you feel you need, as but don’t over do it! Be sure the frame is wide and open enough so we can see all of you.

What happens after I upload my homework?

After you have finished uploading your homework, our mentors will review it and will be able to provide you with detailed feedback. It can take up to 24hrs, depending where you are in the world.

Who will see my homework?

Our school follows UK Data Protection Act, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, and our strict Code of Conduct. Only certified Drishti Beats Mentors have access to uploaded materials. Our goal is to promote confidence and respect for our trainees throughout this training and in the yoga community we serve.

Book your third One on One call.

We understand that each student is different. So in addition to our Gather round calls together, we invite you to make a One on One reservation for a more personalized training experience.

Book Now
Drishti Beats #realpeople

Chapter 5: EARTH


Mindfulness Meditation

Judgment-free mental practice that teaches you to slow down racing thoughts, let go of negativity, and calm both your mind and body.

Masterclass: Mandala Vinyasa

Set up your space, and prepare to be playful.

  • 360 flow
  • 80min
  • All are welcome
  • feat. Garuda mudra


The Rockies, Aspen, Colorado, USA

Join Lori and work your way around the mat and around your body with this special Mandala style masterclass.

A Mandala is a diagram or geometric pattern that represents the cosmos metaphysically or symbiotically.  In this masterclass Lori creates shapes and diagrams in circular patterns that takes you on a journey on your mat. Prasarita padottanasana variations are explored, deep lunges to open your hips, and side stretches to create space in your lungs.

Mandala is a Sanskrit word meaning circle or discoid object. Mandalas represent wholeness of life itself.

Download Masterclass Analysis Form


Prepare to take notes as you watch each Talk.

Download The Student eBook (PDF, US) - Session Five

Earth Series of Poses Variations

Download The 200 Hour Earth Series of Poses Flashcard


Join Alysia and journey through the practical practice of poses.

Grab a friend, and let’s practice the physical assist of each pose.

Rhythm Stretch Flow

Set up your space, and prepare to unwind.

  • Stretch flow
  • 60min
  • All are invited
  • Support focused
Soundtrack Credit: IHF


The Rockies

Join Lori and cultivate the holistic power of sāttva सात्त्व (purity, balance, harmony) through this special movement/rhythmic masterclass.

Experience lengthening and flexility with rhythm and flow.  Never stopping, always moving, lengthening, and enhancing your flexibility.

Props Suggested: Two blocks & a strap.

Download Masterclass Analysis Form


“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”  / Aristotle

  1. From the book Your Second Life Begins When You Realize You Only Have One read up to page 100 through Chapter 15. Look in the mirror, find and write down all your beautiful qualities. Find words and images from magazines and online and make a collage that describes all your beautiful qualities and features and upload it into the system. In addition make a list of the known people you admire and would like to be like and why?  Upload this document into the system.
  2. Read How to Train a Wild Elephant, pages 80-94, make efforts to abide by the exercises contained within, and upload into the system a report as to your awareness, dedication to, and results of, the exercises.
  3. Create an. Earth Series flow with a mandala (use music!).  Upload your flow into the system.
  4. Watch the movie The Legend Of Bagger Vance and read the book The Bhagavad Gita if you haven’t already.  Write a comparison essay between the two stories.  The Legend of Bagger Vance is a contemporary story of The Bhagavad Gita. Describe the roles of the characters in the Legend Of Bagger Vance and how they relate to the characters in The Bhagavad Gita.  Upload your essay into the system.
  5. Create a rhythm stretch flow class of your own.  Move to rhythm, use music and create a motif (movement theme) to come back to along the way, and upload it into the system.

Upload Your Homework

Click the blue WeTransfer button to begin your upload process

First, let’s make sure you are recording with the right settings for a great result and faster upload.

On your smartphone go to Settings → Camera and make sure:
  1. Formats is set to High Efficiency
  2. Record Video is set to 720p HD at 30fps (on an iPhone) or the smallest format/file size your smartphone can capture
  3. Turn off HDR Video on an iPhone

This will speed up the upload process after you’re done. Always use the rear camera and make sure the camera is facing you directly. We would like to see you teaching to the “Invisible Student” behind the camera, so speak to the camera in your natural voice as if it’s your student. Go for as many takes as you feel you need, as but don’t over do it! Be sure the frame is wide and open enough so we can see all of you.

What happens after I upload my homework?

After you have finished uploading your homework, our mentors will review it and will be able to provide you with detailed feedback. It can take up to 24hrs, depending where you are in the world.

Who will see my homework?

Our school follows UK Data Protection Act, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, and our strict Code of Conduct. Only certified Drishti Beats Mentors have access to uploaded materials. Our goal is to promote confidence and respect for our trainees throughout this training and in the yoga community we serve.



Mindfulness Meditation

Judgment-free mental practice that teaches you to slow down racing thoughts, let go of negativity, and calm both your mind and body.

Masterclass: Power Flow

Set up your space, and prepare to power flow.

  • Power flow
  • 70min
  • All are welcome
  • Energy focused


Ellen Browning Scripps Memorial Pier, La Jolla, San Diego, California, USA

Ariel takes you through this invigorating flow that will get the blood circulating in your legs, beginning with ardha hanumanasana, moving through dynamic warriors and triangles, and exploring big stretches in parsvottanasana.

Throughout the masterclass, Ariel is weaving the fluid movement of waves to allow you to explore situations with new found freedom in your body and mind. She encourages you to discover the balance between your left and right sides with this strong and steady flow. Work through powerful standing poses like reverse triangle and chair into garudasana, noticing where your strength crosses your body rather than just occurring front to back. Explore contralateral balance work while lifting your opposite arm and leg. It’s a full-spectrum practice to remind you of your personal power, and become aware of what works structurally to maximize your practice.

(Props suggested: two blocks)

Download Masterclass Analysis Form


Prepare to take notes as you watch each Talk.

Download The Student eBook (PDF, US) - Session Four

Equilibrium Series of Poses Variations

Download The 200 Hour Equilibrium Series of Poses Flashcard


Join Alysia and journey through the practical practice of poses.

Grab a friend, and let’s practice the physical assist of each pose.

Teaching Off the Mat

A masterful yoga teacher understands that effective teaching extends beyond physical movements and involves the art of verbal instruction and presence. One essential skill for a yoga teacher to master is the ability to teach off the mat, using vocal cues and verbal guidance without relying solely on physical demonstrations. This skill not only enhances the teacher’s ability to connect with students but also allows for greater flexibility and effectiveness in offering assistance and adjustments. Verbal cues also empower students to cultivate a more introspective and mindful approach to their practice, as they learn to rely on internal awareness rather than external demonstration.

Moreover, teaching off the mat enables yoga teachers to move freely around the room, offering individualized assistance and adjustments to students as needed. This hands-on approach allows teachers to provide personalized guidance tailored to each student’s unique needs, alignment, and level of experience. By offering verbal cues and adjustments from different vantage points in the room, teachers can offer a more comprehensive understanding of each posture and help students deepen their practice safely and effectively.

Additionally, teaching off the mat encourages a dynamic and interactive yoga environment where students feel supported and encouraged to explore their practice with curiosity and openness. Rather than being confined to a fixed position on the mat, teachers can actively engage with students, offering encouragement, inspiration, and feedback throughout the class.

Join Lori as she teaches this flow 100% off the mat. She guides you through a full vinyasa class bringing you to the peak pose of Hanumanasana as she threads through the story of Hanuman, the Monkey King. Trust her vocal guidance, enjoy the story, notice the cadence of the flow and immerse yourself into the experience.

Find Your Zen

Open your practice to another dimension
with this Advanced Restorative Workshop.

Restorative Yoga Workshop

Compliments of the mentors!

best online yoga classes


“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”  / Aristotle

  1. The the entire restorative workshop.  Create a restorative class of your own.  It must be a minimum of 45 minutes. Upload it into the system.  If you don’t have all the props Alysia used modify with rolled up towels, etc.
  2. Read up to Page 83 in the Book Your Second Life Begins When You Realize You Only Have One. Jot down a current or past situation that you could have handled differently.  Did you truly recognize what was going on?  Are you able to ask for what you needed and are you able to set limits and make sure those around you know what they are?  Putting a stop to difficulties and misunderstandings will enhance your living a yogic lifestyle and it begins with you.  Upload your scenario and/or thoughts into the system.
  3. Read How to Train a Wild Elephant, pages 64-79, make efforts to abide by the exercises contained within, and upload into the system a report as to your awareness, dedication to, and results of, the exercises.
  4. From the Ayruveda lecture. What category to you fall into Vata, Pitta or Kapha.  Follow the link and take the Ayruvedic Test.  It does not cost anything you will have to enter your e mail and create a password but there is no cost to get the results of your test.  Document if you feel the test was accurate for you and where you fall inside the doshas. START TEST>
  5. Create a flow Teaching the Equilibrium Series of Poses and use some variations. Use Music  Be sure to call breath, name of pose in English and in Sanskrit and directional cues.
  6. Create a 10 minute flow of a sequence of your choice, teaching to music of your choice, and following the rhythm of the music.
  7. Fill out both masterclass analysis forms and upload them into the system.
  8. Complete the Guna Mindset Self Reflection form.

Upload Your Homework

Click the blue WeTransfer button to begin your upload process

First, let’s make sure you are recording with the right settings for a great result and faster upload.

On your smartphone go to Settings → Camera and make sure:
  1. Formats is set to High Efficiency
  2. Record Video is set to 720p HD at 30fps (on an iPhone) or the smallest format/file size your smartphone can capture
  3. Turn off HDR Video on an iPhone

This will speed up the upload process after you’re done. Always use the rear camera and make sure the camera is facing you directly. We would like to see you teaching to the “Invisible Student” behind the camera, so speak to the camera in your natural voice as if it’s your student. Go for as many takes as you feel you need, as but don’t over do it! Be sure the frame is wide and open enough so we can see all of you.

What happens after I upload my homework?

After you have finished uploading your homework, our mentors will review it and will be able to provide you with detailed feedback. It can take up to 24hrs, depending where you are in the world.

Who will see my homework?

Our school follows UK Data Protection Act, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, and our strict Code of Conduct. Only certified Drishti Beats Mentors have access to uploaded materials. Our goal is to promote confidence and respect for our trainees throughout this training and in the yoga community we serve.

Book your second One on One call.

We understand that each student is different. So in addition to our Gather round calls together, we invite you to make a One on One reservation for a more personalized training experience.

Book Now
Drishti Beats #realpeople