Chapter 3: EXTEND

300-Hour Mindfulness MeditationJudgment-free mental practice that teaches you to slow down racing thoughts, let go of negativity, and calm both [...]

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300 Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

An all-new chapter.

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Chapter 2: HEAT


Mindfulness Meditation

Judgment-free mental practice that teaches you to slow down racing thoughts, let go of negativity, and calm both your mind and body.

Masterclass: Dharma

Set up your space, and prepare to slow flow.

  • Slow flow
  • 83min
  • All are welcome
  • feat. Garuda mudra

Soundtrack credit:   Flory Jagoda >    Trio Sefardi >    Minnush >


The Rockies, Colorado, USA

Lori takes you through a Dharma yoga masterclass. It includes a progressive series of slow vinyasa sequences designed to allow the free flow of prana energy up and down the spine and throughout the physical body and mind. This slow flow includes stretching, twists, balancing poses, backbends, and some inversions.

This Dharma masterclass is more than a physical practice. Through the power of storytelling, Lori explores the topic of Ātman आत्मन् (inner self, spirit) and addresses our ability to facilitate pratyahara, the turning of the senses inward, when we need to make a directional shift and seek our true path. We’re all driven by dreams and ambitions. However, while pursuing our aspirations, it can be difficult to figure out when to keep going down the same path and when to take a different route.

Throughout the masterclass, Lori is weaving the power of the Garuda Mudra to allow you to explore situations with new found freedom in your body and mind. The word garuda means “eagle” in Sanskrit and mudra means, “gesture of.” By activating blood flow, the garuda mudra invigorates and balances the vata energy on both sides of the body.

Music from Flory Jagoda, Trio Sefardi and Minnush creates a beautiful journey of yoga and storytelling celebrating Sephardic heritage and culture.

Download Masterclass Analysis Form


Prepare to take notes as you watch each Talk.

Download The Student eBook (PDF, US) - Session Two

Heat Series of Poses Variations

Download The 200 Hour HEAT Series of Poses Flashcard


Join Alysia and journey through the practical practice of poses.

Grab a friend, and let’s practice the physical assist of each pose.

Masterclass: Yin

Set up your space, and prepare to unwind.

  • Yin
  • 70min
  • All are invited
  • Support focused


The Spanish Garden

Ariel invites you to cultivate the holistic power of sāttva सात्त्व (purity, balance, harmony) through movement and meditative experience. This soothing practice includes gentle, low-to-the-ground twists, backbends, and forward bends, with a focus on encouraging awareness, attention, and ease. Props Suggested: A blanket, blocks, pillow.

Download Masterclass Analysis Form


“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”  / Aristotle

A. Look at the 4 below descriptions and identify if there are any that could potentially get in the way of you letting go and taking on this journey with complete openness. Perhaps, something that you have been challenged with in the past or presently write a short essay on your answer and upload it to the system.

  1. Inability to admit “I don’t know”, If you are unable to say “I don’t know” from time to time in learning situations, not much learning will take place. How many of us have ever tried to teach someone else something when the prospective learning thought that they already knew it?
  2. I should already know – We spend a lot of time and energy, especially as we move “upward” in life or as we age, telling ourselves that we should already know it, when it may be more valuable to simply accept we do not know and move into learning.
  3. Confusing “knowing” with having opinions or informations – We often think we know something because we have an opinion about it or some information about it, but opinions are an entirely different thing than knowing. For example, knowing how to fly an airplane is different from having opinions or beliefs about flying.
  4. Addiction to answers – Have you ever known someone who, no matter what the question, always has the answer? An obsession with providing the answers is connected to difficulty in learning. We won’t learn as long as we think learning and knowing have to do primary with “having the answers”

B. Read How to Train a Wild Elephant, pages 33-48, make efforts to abide by the exercises contained within, and upload into the system a report as to your awareness, dedication to, and results of, the exercises.

C. From the book,  Your Second Life Begins When You Realize You Only Have One, read up to Page 40. The second step is for you to do a “spring” cleaning of your space. Throw away at least 10 useless object to tidy up, sort out, and refresh your surroundings in every way possible. Write down your process, how you felt, and what items you did away with and upload your essay into the system.

On page 50, Camille has a list of the things she no longer wants in her life. Write down a list for yourself and upload it into the system. Read this book at your leisure but keep up with the exercises given to you in each session as part of the book and your journey.

D. Create a flow of the Heat series of poses using some variations of the poses shown in the flashcards. Include Stepbacks, Sun Salutations A, and Sun Salutations B.

The best way to approach this is to watch the practical practice video as well as incorporate some advanced variations from the pictures shown in this Chapter.

Be sure to call breath, name of pose both in English and in Sanskrit, and directional cues. Use music. Teach half of your sequence on the mat flowing/moving and the other have off the mat.  You can shift back and forth.  Also be sure that we can see your entire body in your video frame.  In addition “Be The Mirror”.  This means that if you are telling your students to lift their right arm you are lifting your left.  Your body should be front facing to the camera.   Be mindful of avoiding “filler words”, focus on inclusive language, and active cueing as opposed to passive cueing and if needed, please refer back to the lecture “taking the seat of a teacher” in session one for clarification. Upload your video flow into the system.

E. Create and write a dharma class of your own. You are required to send in your written topic and discussion, as well as teach a minimum of a 15 minute class intertwining your dharma similar to what you experienced in the Dharma master class at the beginning of this session.  Upload your written document as well as your video class into the system.

F.  Fill out both masterclass analysis forms and upload them into the system.

Upload Your Homework

Click the blue WeTransfer button to begin your upload process

First, let’s make sure you are recording with the right settings for a great result and faster upload.

On your smartphone go to Settings → Camera and make sure:
  1. Formats is set to High Efficiency
  2. Record Video is set to 720p HD at 30fps (on an iPhone) or the smallest format/file size your smartphone can capture
  3. Turn off HDR Video on an iPhone

This will speed up the upload process after you’re done. Always use the rear camera and make sure the camera is facing you directly. We would like to see you teaching to the “Invisible Student” behind the camera, so speak to the camera in your natural voice as if it’s your student. Go for as many takes as you feel you need, as but don’t over do it! Be sure the frame is wide and open enough so we can see all of you.

What happens after I upload my homework?

After you have finished uploading your homework, our mentors will review it and will be able to provide you with detailed feedback. It can take up to 24hrs, depending where you are in the world.

Who will see my homework?

Our school follows UK Data Protection Act, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, and our strict Code of Conduct. Only certified Drishti Beats Mentors have access to uploaded materials. Our goal is to promote confidence and respect for our trainees throughout this training and in the yoga community we serve.

Book your first One on One call.

We understand that each student is different. So in addition to our Gather round calls together, we invite you to make a One on One reservation for a more personalized training experience.

Book Now
Drishti Beats #realpeople

Drishti Beats Student Feedback

Flow Check! How Did Your Yoga Journey Feel?

Thank you for completing this chapter of your yoga teacher training! We value your feedback and want to ensure that your learning experience is as fulfilling and comprehensive as possible. Please take a moment to share your thoughts on this chapter.


Scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being very confident

Best Online Yoga Teacher Trainings & Certifications

Chapter 1: ENGAGE

online yoga school


Your 300-Hour Advanced Training journey begins.

Gather round

Whether you have a specific question, looking to overcome a hurdle, or to meet other students just like you, our live zoom calls give you all the support and guidance you need as you continue to unlock your teaching potential. We will also ensure you are on the right path to log and complete the required Contact Hours towards your Yoga Alliance accreditation.

Please reserve your spot now. Don’t worry, you can change it at any time.

300h Live Calls

We meets every Thursday.  Choose between one of two times and you can toggle back and forth between times if needed.  
  • Group 1 meets at  12:00PM New York (EST, UTC/GMT -5h)
Group Two meets every Thursday at

  • 7:00pm New York (EST, UTC/GMT -5h)

Pick Your Group

Select your preferred group time (please pick one):

Mindfulness Meditation

Judgment-free mental practice that teaches you to slow down racing thoughts, let go of negativity, and calm both your mind and body.

Recommended Reading

Curated especially for you.

Recommenced Anatomy Books (optional):


Masterclass: Unexpected Journey

Set up your space, and prepare to energize.

  • Advanced Vinyasa
  • 75min
  • All are welcome
  • Feat. Venus Mudra


The Rockies, Aspen, Colorado, USA

Have you ever felt stuck? Maybe it’s a physical feeling of stuck-ness, a stagnant relationship, or an issue like writer’s block that impedes your creativity. Yoga is not only a wonderful way to get your body moving, it’s also an great method for activating internal energies, such as shifting thought patterns and opening yourself to creative inspiration.

Download Masterclass Analysis Form


Prepare to take notes as you watch each Talk.

Download Student eBook (PDF, US) - Session One

Engage Series of Poses Variations

Download The 200 Hour ENGAGE Series of Poses Flashcard


Join Alysia and journey through the practical practice of poses.

Grab a friend, and let’s practice the physical assist of each pose.

Masterclass: Deep Stretch

Set up your space, and prepare to unwind.

  • Deep Stretch
  • 58min
  • All are welcome
  • Rejuvenation Focused

Jeremy & Ariel

The Spanish Garden

Sometimes allowing yourself to just fall into deep stretch is the greatest self-care practice. This Drishti masterclass is focused on rest and rejuvenation, so your body has a chance to slow down and recalibrate. To bring about positive transformations in body and mind we must understand the energy through which they work. This force is called prana in Sanskrit, meaning “primary energy,” sometimes translated as “breath” or “vital force,” though it is actually something more.

Download Masterclass Analysis Form


“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”  / Aristotle

  1. Write your storyboard. Tell us about your life, how you got to this space of your 300 Hour Advanced Yoga Training and what your plans and goals are for sharing your advanced yoga skills. You may simply write an essay, provide photos, or video yourself. Upload this assignment into the system.
  2. Read Up to page 30 in the book Your Second Life Begins When you Realize You Only Have One and on page 30 there is a call to write down everything you would like to change in your life.  Upload this assignment into the system.
  3. Read the introduction of How to Train a Wild Elephant, pages 1-32, make efforts to abide by the exercises contained within, and upload a report as to your awareness, dedication to, and results of the exercises. Upload this assignment into the system.
  4. Create an Engage Series flow with variations choosing from the poses shown in this session. Be sure to call breath, name of pose in English and in Sanskrit and directional cues. Use music. Teach half of your sequence on the mat flowing/moving and the other have off the mat.  You can shift back and forth.  Also be sure that we can see your entire body in your video frame.  In addition “Be The Mirror”.  This means that if you are telling your students to lift their right arm you are lifting your left.  Your body should be front facing to the camera.  Upload your video flow into the system. Be mindful to avoid “filler words”, focus on inclusive language, and active cueing as opposed to passive cueing.  Please refer back to the lecture “taking the seat of a teacher” in this session for clarification. Upload this video assignment into the system.
  5. Fill out the master class analysis forms and upload them into the system from the first master class and the last master class.
  6. Answer the following questions and write your essay to upload into the system:
  • What’s not working in my life?
  • What unwanted patterns keep happening again and again?
  • Where am I wasting my precious time and energy?
  • How do you feel, as a result of what’s not working in your life?
  • Three things you can do today to begin the shift.

Please note: It is best to complete all of your assignments first and then upload them one by one into the system at the same time.  This helps us keep your assignments in order.

Upload Your Homework

Click the blue WeTransfer button to begin your upload process

First, let’s make sure you are recording with the right settings for a great result and faster upload.

On your smartphone go to Settings → Camera and make sure:
  1. Formats is set to High Efficiency
  2. Record Video is set to 720p HD at 30fps (on an iPhone) or the smallest format/file size your smartphone can capture
  3. Turn off HDR Video on an iPhone

This will speed up the upload process after you’re done. Always use the rear camera and make sure the camera is facing you directly. We would like to see you teaching to the “Invisible Student” behind the camera, so speak to the camera in your natural voice as if it’s your student. Go for as many takes as you feel you need, as but don’t over do it! Be sure the frame is wide and open enough so we can see all of you.

What happens after I upload my homework?

After you have finished uploading your homework, our mentors will review it and will be able to provide you with detailed feedback. It can take up to 24hrs, depending where you are in the world.

Who will see my homework?

Our school follows UK Data Protection Act, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, and our strict Code of Conduct. Only certified Drishti Beats Mentors have access to uploaded materials. Our goal is to promote confidence and respect for our trainees throughout this training and in the yoga community we serve.

Drishti Beats Student Feedback

Flow Check! How Did Your Yoga Journey Feel?

Thank you for completing this chapter of your yoga teacher training! We value your feedback and want to ensure that your learning experience is as fulfilling and comprehensive as possible. Please take a moment to share your thoughts on this chapter.


Scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being very confident

Congratulations on completing chapter one!